Monday, November 4, 2019

Judy's Piano Studio-- Making piano instruction enjoyable


Because of the fast pace of life in our community it is important that we all have creative outlets. Piano is one such activity and my goal is to help children and adults have a positive experience learning to play the piano.  Through learning in a relaxed, caring, family environment with positive incentives, the students develop positive attitudes about playing the piano which they carry into their future.


I work with beginning to mid-intermediate students starting at age five. Advanced intermediate and higher students (usually 2-3 years after starting) will be referred to other excellent teachers.  All lessons are at my home.  Lessons are 1/2 hour sessions per week and cost $25 per lesson. Materials fee is $10/month and I supply all the materials.  The fees are due at the beginning of the month and cancellations or no-shows can be rescheduled.  Absences are not charged if scheduled at least a day in advance or if the student gets sick at the last minute. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted Students are expected to practice their pieces every day at home between lessons and parents are strongly encouraged to support this, even by simply sitting with them while they play.

Piano instruction starts at the beginning of September and ends in May.  We will have a recital at the end of the instructional year where each student will play and family and friends will be able to attend.

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